Contact Me
I am active at many online anti-malware forums including SpywareInfo (SWI), GeeksToGo, and CastleCops. I am a member of the Alliance of Security Analysis Professionals (ASAP) and a recipient of the 2005 Microsoft MVP Award for Windows Security.
I also do low-level development for Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware, a new anti-malware application with better detection rates than many of the "big players" in the industry.
I may be contacted either through the forums (as Swandog46) or by email at:
- Swandog46 [/\/a.t\/\] mvps [/\/d.o.t\/\] org
Replace [/\/a.t\/\] above with @ and [/\/d.o.t\/\] with .
(Sorry, but if I post my email address publicly without obfuscation, I get too much spam.)
Please do contact me to let me know of any successes or difficulties you have had with my tools!
I am a volunteer and my work will always be free.
However, if you feel my work has helped you, and would like to donate to encourage me to continue, you may do so here:
I thank you very much in advance.