The Avenger

Command Reference

Folders to delete:

The "Folders to delete:" command directive deletes and backs up the folders listed.

How do I use it?

After the "Folders to delete:" line is read in a script, all successive lines will be interpreted as full paths of folders for The Avenger to delete.

When do I use it?

When there are entire malicious folders that you want to get rid of.

Anything else I should know?

The folders do not have to be empty. They can contain any number of files and subfolders, arbitrary levels deep, and will be backed up with their contents intact.

Also see the caveats for "Files to delete:".

Any special notes on syntax?

  • The "Folders to delete:" command will interpret environmental variables (%systemdrive%, %windir%, etc.) correctly.

Example Usage

Folders to delete:
c:\documents and settings\evil user\evil folder

FarCry - Mollio